
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Vibrant Red

I really like these two flowers because they're like opposites. The one above is red with white accents and the one below is white with red accents. I think they're absolutely beautiful!

Old Oak

I really like the look of this picture. The tree is so center and really looks like an old, ancient, important tree. I also really like how there's a street lamp in the left side of the picture and how there's a picnic table under the tree: like an invitation to sit down and gaze at such regular and fantastic beauty.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Orange Cream Flower

I just really love this flower. The orange and white colors just make me think of a cream-cicle! I wish I could just take a bite... Although that would be kind of gross considering it's actually a flower.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Holly Leaves, If Only

I don't know what type of tree these leave were on but they look just like holly leaves and I think they're absolutely beautiful! The green and yellow in the background are pretty nice looking as well.

Make a Wish ;)

Actually for this picture, my friend and I were trying to piece together normal clips to make a video and I just had to take a picture of this weed before she blew away the little things on top, isn't that so beautiful in such an ordinary way? I love it!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Daisy Daisy, Give Me Your Answer True

I just really love both of these photos. In the top one my friend was holding a daisy at just the right angle that I had to go get my camera. The bottom one is a classic for girl as they pull of the petals "he loves me"; "he loves me not."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Purple Dahliahs

I can't get over how beautiful these flowers are! They have just the right hint of color that makes them gorgeous but not over-done looking. Go find some flowers today :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Whimsical Darkness

Sometimes darkness can ruin a picture, but in this case, the photo looks a little better thanks to that. I originally intended to take a picture of a bridge which you cannot see here. With the flash turned on, I captured the plants looking pretty whimsical and a few city lights in a black background.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Up Front

I took this while standing at the front of a cruise-boat-thing. Isn't the water beautiful? The view you get from standing in the front is amazing.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Green and Yellow

I really like the picture above. There are really only two main colors used in this photo but there are so many different shades that it's just beautiful. My sister really liked the one below, she said it was stylistic.

Friday, August 9, 2013


TRIP TO THE BEACH! Don't you just love the summertime, well I certainly do. Anyways on my trip to the beach I couldn't resist getting a picture of the boardwalk, it looks so bland when you're walking on it but once I stopped to take a picture it was so beautiful. The view below isn't all that bad either :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Walking by, I noticed some people were using the court and I thought I would take a picture. The fence gives a caged feeling but at the same time the people looked like they were having a lot of fun on their bikes playing their game.

Beautiful Branches

I really love the sun in this picture, the clean blue sky, the crisp green branches, and that cute little yellow dot!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Both of these pictures just turned out so creepy. Honestly, despite the sun being hidden behind gray clouds, this tree wasn't creepy looking, it looked beautifully normal.

What's She Doing?

Silly dog, I threw her ball and she missed it and went digging her head in the bushes trying to find it. What a goofball!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Luscious Roses

My sister's boyfriend sent her these beautiful roses, aren't they just fabulous!

I love the swirly shape of the one above, it looks perfect!

The pink-red flower above is so amazing looking, I just love the shading on the petals, they're gorgeous! I actually tried drawing this flower, I'll have to post that later. 

This picture seems so cliche but it's just too beautiful for me to leave out, look at how gorgeous these roses are! I especially like the way the colors look so nice together: white, red, and shades of pink.

This picture is also really cool, it's like the pink flower is hiding. I really like how this picture has a background and a foreground which makes it different from a lot of the pictures we post that don't have a foreground.

This final picture is really cool because I love the way the light pink rose looks with it's leaves and the red and white roses behind it are also very elegant and you can see their stems and leaves as well - beautiful!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Golden Grass

This picture is really professional looking. I really love the focus and the green and yellow colors in this picture. The picture has this golden vibe even though the grass is still clearly green. (:

Look Who's Hiding

If you look close enough and stop focusing on the flowers in the corner you'll notice that in the top right corner, my cat is hiding. How cute!

Trees Watching the Sunset

This is such an awesome picture! Look at how the sun peeks through the trees and the branches of the trees all intertwine. If you look closely you'll notice little specks at the top of the tree in the middle, those are birds!

Hocus Pocus Out-of-Focus!

I was trying to take a picture of this really perfect looking flower when my camera changed it's mind on me and focused on the bud in front (see picture below). I really like this picture more, what do you think?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cleaned Up Dirt

I guess the title doesn't really make the most sense. But the dirt around this tree is so organized and squared with bricks and mowed grass. It just looks really nice in a very normal sort of way.

Budding White Roses

I really like the look of these roses. They haven't turned into the flowers yet. I can't wait to see them bloom! If you look closely you can see some more in the background.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Baking a Pie - part three: the final result

Baked to perfection, the raspberry pie is finished. 

The overflowing raspberry juice is bright red - gorgeous! 

Now go bake your own pie to enjoy! :)

Baking a Pie - part 2: the assembly

Now you assemble the pie in a pie plate with crust below and above. Isn't it just so awesome looking, look at the little peaks around the edges!

Baking a Pie - part one: the materials

First you collect the raspberries in a bowl.

Add the sugar...

...More sugar...

Add the flour and the salt.

Mix it all together...