
Friday, July 26, 2013

Ferris Wheel

Whoever decided to put a ferris wheel right by the waterfront was a genius. Or it might not be by the water, I couldn't tell from where I stood. Either way, this is a bright and fun picture, I really like it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Awesomeness Flowers

I really like these flowers. They have the most beautiful shape and color combination. I wish I knew what they were called. Don't you love the look of the second picture, too, it's from behind rather than in front. :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seattle Scenery

Seattle may be nothing like big city Los Angeles or NYC, but it still has it's perks... When it's not rainy. I liked this, and I managed to take a beautiful shot of the scenery.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Looking Away

Aw, my cat's looking away from me. It's kind of cute seeing her intent with something else. No lie, I honestly didn't put that lamp next to her like that, it was just sitting there!

Streaked Skyline

I wonder if it's obvious by now, but I really love taking pictures of silhouettes with the sun setting in the background. I like how there's a splash of color in the sky and it all looks really delicate.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I just absolutely love this picture, the center of this rose is perfectly circular and curvy and beautiful. Also the red color is so rich and gorgeous!

New Poll!

Hey guys, we've made a poll that's located on the right side of the blog with a heading "What should we post more of?" Please vote because it'll give us an idea of what type of pictures you like seeing and what we need to post more of. You can vote until the end of the month. Thanks so much!

My Breakfast Bowl

 This is what I had for breakfast today, it was really yummy: a bowl of fruit and a glass of non-fat milk.

The first layer of my fruit bowl is grapes.

The second layer is strawberries.

The bottom layer is bananas! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Delicious Golden Corn

We had corn the other day and it was super yummy and I had to pause and take a picture because I couldn't get over how gorgeous and yellow they were. 

Gate of Love

This picture is really awesome because it's of the gate on our porch, aren't the hearts really beautiful, they're so swirly and twirly and fun!

Not Yet Bloomed

This tree hasn't bloomed yet but the little buds are so adorable and I just love the picture above with the sun peeking through the branches.

Pink Teacups

I think these pictures are really awesome looking, mostly because these flowers are just so unique! 

They have this beautiful curved and circular shape and beautiful color that just looks awesome, I think I captured them very well.

Ruffled Flowers

I can't decide which of these pictures I like more. The one above is really cute because there's another bush in the background with a really pretty green and black color combination as well as a little bush to the right with shades of pink and green. The one below is nice, too, because you can more clearly see the ruffles on the cute little flowers. Which one do you prefer?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Poopy Sidewalk

Okay, I know you're going to say this is ugly but just take a good look. Don't try and tell me that it's not beautiful to see something stick it out regardless of being pooped on and walked on (yes, I'm talking about the sidewalk)!

Basil, Matzerella, and Tomato

Wow, not only are these delicious but they're beautiful, too! They have basil on top, matzerella cheese in the middle and a tomato slice on the bottom... they're awesome!

Eating Cake

 It's a bite taken out of a slice of cute and colorful cake. I really like how this picture came out really nice and clean.
This is a similar picture, another little piece of cake. I actually made this one! I like the simplicity of these pictures. Personally, I like the first photo a bit more.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Below the Daisies

I've decided that I personally think daisies look better when you look from below, aren't these pictures just gorgeous? Look at the little drop of water on the stem of the flower in the picture below. Amazing!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Heidi... Part 2: Creepy Cat

Wow, check out her eyes, it's like she's an evil villain in a movie or something although why a cat would be the star of the movie is beyond me. I really love the color of her eyes, though, they look green!

If you saw the last post, notice how I took them from the same spot, just one moment she was super adorable and the next moment she was glaring at the grass.

Heidi.. Part 1: the Cute One

This picture looks like something you'd see on a poster, doesn't it? I love how cute and young she looks in this picture even though she's really getting quite old. 

Lots of Purple

It's strange but we have these flowers in three different places in our garden. I don't really mind though because they're just so cute and purple. 

The colors purple and green have always worked well together. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Beautiful Ickyness!!!

Okay, I'm totally not surprised if you didn't notice this but... there's a spider in the bottom left corner of the picture. YUCK! Other than that, it's kind of a cool picture, right?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Picture Perfect Flowers - Who Knew?

I actually can't figure out how these flowers look so perfect. It's almost as if they were made out of plastic or something. They have perfectly shaped petals and cute little centers. Wow, I never thought cartoons could be real.

Gorgeous Gold

 I'm so impressed that I got a picture as amazing as this. I love the focus on the flower and the blurred grassy background!

Someone's Happy...

Aww, look at her tail wag back and forth. She's just so cute, isn't she?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Love Those Shoes

It's funny because these shoes are pretty old. I just love their design and I couldn't resist wearing them so many times that now they're very beat up. I love 'em anyways!


Aw, she's such a cute dog. I guess you can't really see her all that well in this picture but the foreground is really cool looking, too, in my opinion.

White and Yellow Beauty

I just LOVE these flowers! They are so gorgeous and delicate looking. The yellow really compliments the white.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dogs Aren't the Only Ones who Wag their Tails

Look at that tail of hers! And check out the video below, it's of her wagging her tail, isn't that just so cute?

Sun + Tree = Magic

I actually have no idea how I took a picture that looks as beautiful as this. Just look at those blossoms on all those trees! And the sun is hitting the picture at just the right angle. Even the grass is perfectly green and not too long or anything. Wow!

Mmmmuffins :)

These were really good blueberry muffins that I made with a friend.

Funny story to these actually because we started making them and then realized we had no eggs so I looked up what eggs could be replaced with on the internet and we ended up putting banana in them instead. They were really good, so I guess they're banana-blueberry muffins.