
Friday, August 24, 2012

Average Orange

Yes, precisely it: the average orange. There are bumps and spots on the orange but that's okay because it has a nice arrangement of leaves surrounding it. It's so natural looking like something that would be in the background of one of these jugs of Simply Orange or Tropicana:
or maybe it would be its own orange juice, Average Orange.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Park Trees

I really like the lighting in this picture, but it looked much better in person than in this photo. Guess some things can't be captured with a camera, huh? Still, this looks very pretty.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Green Tomatoes

I love these pictures. They're of the same tomato plant just from two different angles. The color schemes in these photos are complimentary colors which means the colors used in this picture are from opposite sides of the color wheel. In this case it's red and green, I usually don't like these together because they remind me of Christmas and I think they should be reserved for that holiday but in this picture I really like how the plant life comes in contact with the structure life. Really pretty. Would've worked well, too, if the tomatoes were already red.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Speaking Yellow

I really like this picture because not only is there the main flower but there is also two other yellow flowers facing other directions. I think it's pretty and a nice combination, not to mention that the main yellow flower is so close that it's not in focus but the background of red and green is.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beautiful Light

When I took this picture I had absolutely no idea it would turn out this pretty. But this is just the most perfect picture ever, with the dark night sky, building silhouettes, and nicely designed lamppost. The light is just the most beautiful of it all, I must not have had the flash on. How amazing, don't you think?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Sky Tree

Personally, I think this is a really cool picture. It was taken from the bottom of a ginormous tree. It's super cool looking how the tree gets darker as it gets farther away and then the very top of the picture is super bright white which takes over the tree. So awesome!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Candy Palace

I felt like such a tourist taking this picture, but I really love how it looks. The building is just so cute! I also like the tree at the side and just everything that's there. I'd love it if I actually lived in a cute little town like this.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Leafy Lake

I'm honestly not sure if this is really a lake, but let's just say it is one. Either way, this scenery looks really nice. I love how the lake is this pretty turquoise color and it shows a mirror-like images of the trees above. This picture gives off a cool, exotic feeling.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thick Chain

I think these are really cool pictures. I like the perspective. I also like how the chain is so close to the left that it's blurry. The picture to the right is taken from the other pillar.

Benches Behind Bars

This is a cool picture. Here you have this perfect bench sitting with this perfect view and yet there are dirty blood red floors and gates all around like it's a dungeon; pretty, right? Also, this is where I went with my crush onetime so in my mind's eye it's still beautiful even if we're not together anymore.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blue Butterfly

This picture is pretty simple, but I still love how it looks. The butterfly is really cool looking and then there's that row of pink flowers behind it. How everything's positioned makes it all look so pretty!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Shining Red

I just really love this picture. These flowers are just gorgeous. Generally, I don't like the color red but this is just such a beautiful picture of flowers. I like all the different viewpoints of the flower in just this one picture. Very pretty. I also really like how there are different types of green plants in the background. Pretty!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blue Bird

Isn't that bird cute? The semi-plain background really makes it stand out. I like the background too though. This picture isn't one you'd call beautiful, but it's still nice.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mt. Rainer

A beautiful picture of the mountain. You can clearly see where the sun is because the right side of the mountain is pink and the left side is engulfed in shadows. I love how the sun makes the snow look pink! gorgeous! I also really like that thing where there are lots of hills but depending on how close the hills are to you some look darker than others, you can see that in this picture, too. So pretty!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Light Reflection

I really love this picture. The way the lights reflect in the water seem very magical. I say that a lot, don't I? But it really does. It's also pretty how the picture seems to have layers: the railing, the water, the lights, the trees, and a white background. Everything here is so beautiful!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rows of Green

Call me weird, but I find it really cute how the plants are all set up in neat little rows. I love how they make a small pathway. The way this whole picture looks is nice. Not to mention it's pretty too :)