
Monday, December 3, 2012

Making Waffles --part 2

TA DA! yumbos numbos! This is such a magnificent picture! There're the beautiful waffles in the waffle maker, the bowl of fruit to the left and the butter to the right and don't forget the batter spill that perfects the picture in the bottom right corner. Don't you just love waffles? Comment below and tell me if you prefer pancakes, waffles, crepes, eggs, ANYTHING! just let us know! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Making Waffles --part1

Don't you all just love waking up to waffles on a Saturday morning after having slept in an extra 3 hours. It's what makes being a kid completely worth it. This is a picture of waffle batter. I like the look of the spatula, the yellow-white batter itself is not as appetizing but the result is so amazing that it's well worth it....

Monday, November 12, 2012

City Sunset

I like how the clouds look in this picture, it makes it look magical like something from a movie. I also really like how to can see the silhouette of the trees and buildings. And of course, I love the colors of the sunset itself. It's just a cool picture!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sliding Feet

I love this picture. It's of my legs and my friend's legs as well. I think the fact that the two pairs of side-by-side legs are so different is very cool looking. One is wearing dark jeans with Ugg boots while the other is wearing light jeans with Converse shoes that have big cute bows.
*if you're wondering why this post had the label of transportation attached, feet are a means of transportation and so are slides.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hey, i just thought i should fill you in on what the background currently is. The water in these pictures is so blue that it looks like pool water, but in fact the water is from the sea. I just love the background because I took my picture (left) and made a square mirror of it (right) which is currently the background.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sexy Bike

Okay, I have no idea at all whose bike this is. All I know is that it's really good looking. Recently I've had a big thing for pink stuff - pink clothes, pink accessories, pink comforters, you name it! - and this just happens to be pink as well as shiny. I love it. Sexiest motorcycle ever!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blue Beauty

Coolest picture ever! The bottom is the water and the top is the blue sky but it's super cool because it fades into white because that's where the sun is which is so bright it makes the picture white. Pretty cool, right?

Friday, October 26, 2012


When I first took this picture, I expected it to turn out kind of ugly; but now I feel like it's grown on me. The light in the background accents the picture and the leaves are just this amazing crisp shape but the most beautiful part is the flower that stares us all in the face, the flowers are just these beautiful pink, some baby pink and some darker and richer like a hot pink. Such a beautiful picture!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Perfect Walkway

Okay, just look at that picture. It's like perfect, right? The walkway may have some cracks in it and not be level or smooth but it curves away and is just gorgeous. The grass looks fabulous even with the inconsistent shadow. Then there are the trees farther in the distance which have no leaves but their bodies have a certain prettiness. Then in the far distance you can see more land, maybe some houses, maybe some trees but it's clear that there's a hill down and then back up. This picture could easily represent life: Even with it's bumps and cracks and not consistent sides, it maintains it's beauty. :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Startling Sky

I love the evil feeling the sky gives off in these pictures. I really like how in the picture to the right, you can see the silhouette of an airplane, and it's so small! I think it just adds. Also, in the left you see the tree&city skyline. So pretty and evil or malvada as I'm learning in Spanish.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pink and White Mashup

Okay, don't lie to me....
You and I both know the whole circle-lamp-with-flowers-in-the-background look is totally cute. I especially love that the flowers are pink. White goes with everything but it looks amazing with pink, and that shade, too! The flowers are so beautiful and I've always loved these white lamps but they look even nicer with the pink, red, and purple flowers in the background. The sun-shade thing is actually kind of cool looking, it shows you that's there's sun without blinding you. So pretty!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Covered Walkway

This is a pretty cool picture, don't you think? Once I saw it I totally thought I needed a picture. I just love how the path gradually declines with an occasional step and how it's covered with trees. But I think my favorite part is the rock floor. I love how all the rocks are square and flat but they're all different sizes. Isn't it just so pretty!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Full Moon

These are two really pretty pictures of the moon. I probably don't have to tell you that the full moon is always gorgeous, but it's really hard to get a good picture of it. The first picture looks really cool with the silhouette of leaves (it'd be better if I cropped it...) and the second one is like an overall moonlit scenery.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tree looking

Okay, you've got to admit this is kind of cool looking. They whole picture looks like it's tinted green when it's really not, it's just that the tree has moss on it which gives it a green tint. I also really like how there are wholes in the leaves and yet you can't see the sky. This is a cool picture. So pretty!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Time Flower

This looks like two totally different plants, but it's actually the same one. The left picture is the flowers at the beginning of summer and the right picture is the flowers as they start to die, at the beginning of autumn. They're both very pretty in their own way, but I like the blooming roses more.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Swing Time!

These are cool pictures. I went to the end of a swing set and took a picture of the swings from a slight angle. Which side do you like better? I think I kind of like the right better. But really they're the same, it's a pretty close call. Go enjoy the swings for a day, they're awesome!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Orange Rose

This flower is just soo pretty and I love the colors! That pale orange looks so cute and the petals are just perfectly positioned. Nature has so many wonders, and this is just a small one.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Capri View

Okay so I know these look really similar, but if you look closely you'll see that they're different, and I couldn't decide which one looks better. And I know this is really touristy and they're totally pictures you see on all the postcards but they're my pictures which makes it feel really special and even more beautiful. I love the stairs and just everything about the pictures!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pulled Bulbs

Yeah... So I was helping in the garden and my mom said to pull out the weeds. Apparently these aren't weeds. They're flowers, and those are the bulbs (roots). Oops. But they make a nice picture hm? The whole set up together looks good. I mean, by itself those bulbs look kind of yucky. Who can blame me for thinking they're weeds??

Monday, September 24, 2012

Perspective Building

I love the nighttime look of this picture, very dark lighting but not in feeling. It kind of feels like it's something from Shakespeare, right? Well I think it's pretty, I love the yellow car and the lights, everything is just perfect looking, you can even see the moon in the distance!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baking cake

Cakey time! We decided to bake a cake for our friend and I thought that the batter was really pretty and I wanted to share them with you. Isn't cake just so yummy? I love cake and although I wouldn't eat the batter, it looks cool.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Red Potted Flower Boquet

Okay, you have to admit, this is such a perfect looking pot of flowers! The pot itself is cute as well as how it sits on a little stand and then there are purdy red flowers coming out surrounded by green! Gorgeous!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Looking Up

  The lighting in this picture's pretty cool. I like how the leaves are kinda being eaten away by the light and how the branches just stretch out in all directions. It kinda looks like a hand. Creepy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Scrumptious Breakfast

Just looking at this makes my mouth water. The day I made this for breakfast I was so proud of my creation that I just had to take a picture. Isn't that yummy looking? I think so. It's a nicely toasted seeded bagel with some eggs and sausage (the type that goes in pigs and a blanket).

Monday, September 17, 2012

Three Little Duckies

The second duck picture! This is a lot cuter than the first one. I wish I was a duck... maybe. Anyway! I just like how this whole picture looks put together.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Green Flakes

I love the lighting in the picture and the whole flake look is just so cute, you see these everywhere, too.

     Shout out to all those flaky people out there: flakes are beautiful, too.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rosy Silhouette

I like how this is basically only showing the silhouette of the flower, so it's kind of dark but you can see some color. Also, the sky in the background just looks soo pretty.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Misty Cup

This is actually a pretty cool picture. I took it after making some hot chocolate so the steam made my camera lens all foggy. Pretty cool, huh?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shrivled Rose

Something ugly turned pretty. I like how the overall flower and picture look and the leaf is really cool too. This picture is very simple but it holds this certain beauty in it.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Mmmmmm... Who doesn't like M&M's? That's what I want to know. They're so yummy 'cause they're chocolate and they're fun 'cause they're colorful! Notice how in the smaller picture there are less of them... they were good

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Paws part 2: Dachshund

For those of you who read this regularly you may have seen the first paws post on kitty paws.

This is an adorable dachshund paw that I took myself but had to cut because now the focus is more on the paw that it was before. Isn't it just so cute though? It's so small and wrinkly! Adorable! I'll be posting more paws soon :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dead Bulbs

Without a shadow of doubt if you saw these "flowers" in person the first thing that would come to mind? "Ugh, those are some dead-beat plants." Except I really love how they look in this picture. The focus is nice and how those black beads spread out is a nice touch.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Colorful Sunset

Why is the setting sun so beautiful? It's kind of unfair ;) This picture is actually a very simple one, but if you look closely, there is a whole galaxy of different wonders. I adore the positioning of everything and the colors are amazing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I love these pictures. Candles are just so beautiful! I especially love the one above because it's from such an obscure angle.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Birdie Choir

Aw. So cute! Don't you just love these birds. They're all huddling together for warmth. Their closeness makes them look like a little choir. So adorable!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Average Orange

Yes, precisely it: the average orange. There are bumps and spots on the orange but that's okay because it has a nice arrangement of leaves surrounding it. It's so natural looking like something that would be in the background of one of these jugs of Simply Orange or Tropicana:
or maybe it would be its own orange juice, Average Orange.